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Your guides today:

  • ?

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Etherpad for today:

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Discuss The history of Etherpads and how they work. Get everyone to edit and play with it.

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In the beginning was ResBaz

ResBaz (the Research Bazaar) is a campaign, a community and conference.

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  • A campaign: to provide free peer to peer training on digital skills to researchers.
  • A community: to provide support to researchers through collaboration.
  • A conference: an annual 3 day multi city event to kick start the campaign and the community every year.

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We noticed

That an increasing number of researchers were turning to the cloud

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We realized

There was a training gap

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We developed a course

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As ResBaz made heavy use of Software Carpentry, we decided to emulate its style and practices.

We delivered this introduction to the NeCTAR cloud at ResBaz 2015 in Melbourne.

Subsequent to that initial ResBaz event we were commissioned by NeCTAR to expand and enhance that material into a full day hands on course. One of the conditions of the commission was that we had to match the online training material produced by Intersect.

We piloted all the material by giving lessons to small numbers of researchers, and soliciting their feedback.

We then started to deliver it internally at the University of Melbourne.

Then we took it on the road: to South Australia and Tasmania. Where it is now also regularly being delivered.

And we are all changing it and incorporating what we learn from delivering it as we go forward.

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